
DFC解雇贝尔格莱德办公室的负责人 - 报告

DFC解雇贝尔格莱德办公室的负责人 - 报告DFC首席执行官亚当•伯勒(左)、约翰•约瓦诺维奇(右);资料来源:塞尔维亚总统办公室


"There is a new management of the office in Washington that will continue working in the Western Balkans. I am honoured that by opening an office in Belgrade, we have laid the foundations for serious economic engagement of the U.S. in Serbia and the region of the Western Balkans," news agency Tanjug quoted Jovanovic as saying on Tuesday.

贝尔格莱德办公室由美国政府于9月建立,当时Jovanovic被任命为董事。在1月份假设办公室后不久,美国总统乔·拜登任命Dev Jagadesan是DFC的代理首席执行官,取代了亚当博勒。
