
保加利亚应该退回欧盟资金,调查内部闽师 - 奥拉夫

保加利亚应该退回欧盟资金,调查内部闽师 - 奥拉夫照片:Seew伟德国际ios下载s /版权所有。

索非亚(保加利亚),2月2日(见) - 欧洲反欺诈办公室(O伟德国际ios下载LAF)表示,建议保加利亚返回600万欧元(720万美元)的欧盟赠款,并考虑启动刑事诉讼官员刑事诉讼。




"Manipulated tenders allowing potential fraudsters to line their own pockets at the expense of citizens is a typical fraud pattern seen by OLAF’s investigators all too often. It is all the more worrying when such a vital public service as the police could have been the victim of this sort of activity, and I urge the Bulgarian Prosecutor’s Office to give proper consideration to our recommendation of legal action," Ville Itala, OLAF Director-General, said.


($ = 0.8286欧元)
